Kashmiri Tantra
Massage Worldwide

Swami Anahata is delighted to introduce the revered Kashmiri Tantra Massage Training to Europe, designed for the individual journey and the united path of couples. 

Certain trainings will be conducted solely under Anahata’s sole guidance while others will be a collaborative effort with fellow Tantra teachers, harmoniously balancing the powerful Shiva-Shakti dynamic. The energy of love, passion, and spiritual growth awaits you in this sacred practice

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New tantra retreat for singles and couples wanting deeper connections


Kashmiri Tantra Massage is a soft, sensual massage ritual from North India – a tradition of Kashmiri Shaivism. It unites the masculine, the feminine, your inner child, and the Buddha within (your godliness). The receiver gets in deep contact with these four energies. This is done in a safe and grounded way, so whatever healing needs to happen, happens without the giver having a goal to heal the receiver. The whole body gets touched sensually, without focusing on specific body parts.

The Ways in which Kashmiri Tantra Massage will
transform your life


Touch to heal and harmonize your body, mind, heart and soul

The benefit Touch to heal and harmonize your body, mind, heart and soule benefit of conscious delicate and loving affectionate touch is a scientifically proven fact. We are wired to receive and give touch frequently, but often have little time and energy left to fulfill this deep need.

Enhance your capacity of pleasure

Imagine there is a cup inside of you that needs to be filled with nourishing touch. If it’s empty, most of us start to feel a kind of emotional unhappiness. After a few weeks, it may turn into resentment, sadness, or even depression.



Fill up your energy cup

Imagine there is a cup inside of you that needs to be filled with nourishing touch. If it’s empty, most of us start to feel a kind of emotional unhappiness. After a few weeks, it may turn into resentment, sadness, or even depression.

Deep loving connection to your Sexuality

The benefit of conscious delicate and loving affectionate touch is a scientifically proven fact. We are wired to receive and give touch frequently, but often have little time and energy left to fulfill this deep need.



Learning to play with sensuality between your masculine, feminine, inner child and consciousness.

Kashmiri Tantra Massage Professional Training - Czech Republic

October 21st to 27th, 2024

Kashmiri Tantra Massage Training - Goa

20 – 24 November 2024

With Swami Anahata

Kashmiri Tantra Massage Weekend - Austria

June 28th to 30th, 2024
Swami Anahata leading Kashmiri Tantra Massage workshop

Kashmiri Tantra Massage - Switzerland

November 8th to 10th, 2024

Kashmiri Tantra Massage Holiday Retreat - Bali

November 17th to 23rd, 2025

What we will learn together

-One Tantra Massage (giving & receiving) each day.

-Tools to draw clear and playful boundaries while giving and receiving touch.

-Tantric meditation to open up your Kundalini and Chakra system.

-Body based exercises to bring flexibility so you can sit on the floor and give massage.

-Releasing tension and stress from your hands so your hands becomes pure light.

-Latihan to learn to surrender to the flow of energy.

-Tandava massage techniques to bring full body flow in massage.

-Body bliss ritual to honor and love your own body.

-Learning to shift your energy between masculine and feminine.

-Strengthening your container to give and receive pleasure.

-Awakening of your senses through tantric meditations.

-Full body energy flow through emotional release and breathwork.


What we will learn together

-One Tantra Massage (giving & receiving) each day.

-Tools to draw clear and playful boundaries while giving and receiving touch.

-Tantric meditation to open up your Kundalini and Chakra system.

-Body based exercises to bring flexibility so you can sit on the floor and give massage.

-Releasing tension and stress from your hands so your hands becomes pure light.

-Latihan to learn to surrender to the flow of energy.

-Tandava massage techniques to bring full body flow in massage.

-Body bliss ritual to honor and love your own body.

-Learning to shift your energy between masculine and feminine.

-Strengthening your container to give and receive pleasure.

-Awakening of your senses through tantric meditations.

-Full body energy flow through emotional release and breathwork.