From Ecstasy to Enlightenment Guided Meditations
Awakening the seven energy bodies mediation
How To Balance Masculine & Feminine Side With Male and Female Polarity Meditation?
Sexual Tools Breathing
Sexual Tools Sound UUUU
Welcome to the “Awakening the seven energy bodies course”. I created this course for people like you who are looking for tools that can support them in busy lifestyle without having to go to a teacher or workshop and pay money.
Price – €25

I am very delighted to show you simple step by step process in which you will be able to learn this meditation. After watching this course few times you will be able to do this meditation without having to look at the video. So enjoy and see in the class room.
- Anahata

This course consist of a 9 steps meditation that is designed to help your activate and awakened your energy on 7 level. These seven energy levels are:
2. Mental
3. Emotional
4. Etheric
5. Spiritual
6. Astral
7. Celestial
Price - €25
This course will help:
Who are longing for a lover and a conscious relationship. Women who are interested in sacred sexuality, deep communication and loving boundaries. Any woman who need a strong, present, masculine man.
Who feel more connected to inner feminine than the inner masculine and want to balance these energies. Men with the intention to hold the sacred space for women with loving presence, who want to harmonize their connection to a woman. Any man that wants more focus on the woman than themselves.
Who know about conscious communication, tantra, sacred sexuality, but still feel like their needs are not met by the other. Couples who want to reignite their sex lives and bring more presence, love and energy into the relationship. Any couple that wants to master the art of intimacy and lovemaking.
Anyone looking for deeper connection to their inner self
Anyone who wants to become a more awakened and grounded person, feeling your inner fountain of joy, love and power. Anyone who longs for balancing their inner masculine and feminine and find happiness in life.
Price – €25

Testimonials – what are people saying
about Anahata’s workshops?
Who is Swami Anahata?
International teacher, Author and public speaker in the field of spirituality and sexuality
A 20 years journey of teaching, researching and experiencing masculinity, sexuality, and intimacy in relationships.
Founder of The Awakened Masculinity Training for Men.
8 years of Tantric practices done with his lover, as a couple, to deepen his own Tantric experiences.
Tantric body worker.
Tibetan acupressure professional.
Lived in many international communities to experience human behavior and communication.