Divine Sexuality
Awaken Your Sacred Connection Within
6th to 12th October 2025 - Poland
For singles and couples
“Sex is the only energy you have got. The energy can be transformed — it can become a higher energy. The higher it moves, the less and less sexuality remains in it. And there is an end peak where it becomes simply love and compassion.
The ultimate flowering we can call divine energy, but the base, the seat, remains SEX. So sex is the first, bottom layer of energy — and God is the top layer.”
If you stop for a moment and ask yourself “Are you longing to bring sacredness to your lovemaking? Are you living your sexuality to its full potential? If not, what is stopping you?

One of the most powerful longing that we as human beings have is to understand and fully live our sexuality. This need is natural as we are born out of sexuality and would like to know our source of creation.
Unfortunately, our society, religion and family system provide very limited or no education when it comes to living our full orgasmic potential. We have not been given support and guidance to joyfully embrace this energy and transforming it to become Divine.
Instead of feeling pain of ignorance, many of us keep on living our daily life as if it doesn’t matter.
If you are one of those who feels that it does matter to you. If you feel that you would like to know what this magnetic attraction between man and woman is about. If you would like to grow your consciousness through divine sexuality, then this workshop is for you.

During this 7 day retreat our invitation is that you take charge of your sexuality by learning Tantra.
Tantra existed for thousands of years as a rebellion towards this ignorance. It gives us tools and techniques so that we learn to follow the natural movement of our bio-energy in our male or female bodies, and to be open to the opportunities that life offers us every step of the way.
Tantra gives you a very precise and scientific map of sexual energy, and shows you how to use its dynamic to grow into your full potential, both as an individual and as a couple.

What will be the content of the workshop?
In this group you will be guided into experiencing the different levels of meeting between men and women. You will be taught how to use them to improve your life style and your relationships, especially in the areas of:
- Physical attraction and pleasur
- Taoist Tantric practises to cultivate mastery over sexual energy
- Learning Erogenous zone in male and female bodies
- Kashmiri Tantra massag
- Healing sexual habits and conditioning
- Opening Kundalini and chakra for full body orgasm
- How a man function sexually and emotionally?
- How a woman function sexually and emotionally?
- Boundaries and consent
- Inspiration and creative partnership
- Power dynamic between man and woman
In this workshop, we will be using Breath, Sound, Body Movement, Massage, Individual and group meditation, Emotional expression, tantric rituals and Chakra healing to bring balance into polarities between these 2 opposite forces of masculine and feminine as a portal to higher consciousness. This union in India is known as Ardhanarishavara.
Our venue for the Poland Event:
Center for personal and spiritual development “Here and Now”/ “Tu I Teraz” in the beautiful village Nowe Kawkowo, Poland

This is a unique invitation to explore, enhance, and magnetize your sexuality and from that empowered space; meeting the opposite.
You will be exploring ways in which you can support and empower each other. The workshop is conducted in English.
All Levels of Experience are welcome. We are aiming for a gender balance. Nudity and Sexual intercourse is not part of this workshop.
Singles and couples are welcome, couples can choose if they want to do all mediations together.