Blogs to give you a Sneak peak of Tantra World

How to Open a Man Sexuallly
Male sexuality has not been understood in its full spectrum. Often oversimplified when placed in comparison to female sexuality which is vast and mysterious however it’s about time that we should pay attention

Your Energy starts making love to you
Its is not my experience that I am an Energy Being because if I can witness my own energy moving, flowing, stuck, or bubbling then I am the one who is noticing this, and I a

Poems are made by fools like me
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree;
And only God who makes the tree
Also makes the fools like me.

The Dance of Polarities
I am on the path of embracing and then learning from this constant movement of yin and yang energies that forms my connection to my friends, lovers, neighbors, landlord, communities, students, fellow travelers, and most intimate one…with myself.

Gift of Male Sexuality
The moment you are ready to let go of voices many grandmothers have placed in your head; you start to see the gifts healthy male sexuality can bring.

Strength of Masculine Vulnerability
I have felt it, seen it, escaped it at times, sacred of it many times, and love it. I can talk about it endlessly however by just the sheer effort to expressing it

The moment sleep comes..
Last night before sleeping, I was feeling this beautiful aloneness laying in my bed. How nature has made sure that we get in touch with this alone space even if someone sleeping with you.

Teaching Of Dead Leaves
I’m surrounded by this mysterious bunch of trees. Tall high in the sky, wind is blowing and dry leaves are falling slowly, gently, effortlessly. it’s reminding me the most beautiful way to let go.

Jealousy and its Cure
Jealousy is one of the most primordial emotion that we experience as human beings because it starts from our early childhood. So it’s very deep rooted in our physique. when we grow up and we want to observe or get rid of jealousy

The child and his neediness
I’m walking down the street, getting ready for a meditation, observing feelings and sensations in my body. I notice that there is a need to be held, embraced and touched.

Creativity and Addiction
Addictions such as pornography, smoking, drugs are just the symptoms not the disease so to come out it we need to know the real disease.

Are you going crazy with your Mind?
Watch this video to receive inspiration so you can have a hunger for silence…

Creativity to thrive vs. to destroy-Mankind on the crossroad
Being creative is an inevitable part of being human. Through the creative spark both genius and evil have been created.

How to Listen, Speak or Ask Questions to a Man?
This was one of the wounds that had destroyed many relationships that I had with women.

The Inspiration of Awakened Masculinity Training
My vision of doing men’s work is to bring masculine energy back home. Ever since man first went to war, he never quite came back.

Do you love to play?!
You might have heard that it takes about 20-40 minutes to warm up a womans body so she is in full arousal and ready to have intercourse

Why Law of Attraction will fail?
This law works and can bring joy in life only when you have done your work on getting in touch with your true authentic desires that are at the core of your soul.

When Dance becomes medicine
I love to dance….every cell of my body is devoted to the rhythm, each breath serves the movements

Are you feeling stuck in your working life?
Yesterday I met a friend who has left her job, apartment, friends and country to discover her life purpose…

These 2 Elements are Responsible for your Spiritual Awakening
It’s a scientific fact that in sleep our aura (energy body) expand to 6 meters all around our physical body.

One question to ask when you Love
One of the most profound longing of us as human being is to GIVE LOVE and RECEIVE LOVE.

Awaken the natural force of attraction
First of all, we need to understand why attraction has lost its effortlessness why has it become an issue?

There is no escape from ME
Today I woke up at 4AM in the morning with an intense feeling of being wrong, done something bad, not able to complete something that I should have.

What is Good and Bad Sex for Men?
During Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine workshop when men and women are separate, we ask men what is great sex for them and what they consider as bed sex.

Balancing Yin and Yang Energies-the Key to Harmony, Health and Happiness
n Chinese medicine, its said that all illnesses are a byproduct of the imbalance between Yin and Yang energies. It’s very true in our own experience.

How to reclaim your sexual nature as Man?
Do you know the difference between an ox and a bull? The bull, that powerful, vital, sexually-alive, untameable animal. That same animal is called an ox when his sexual energy is cut off, when his balls are removed.

Addiction and creativity
After spending so many years exploring and observing myself, I have discovered that there is a direct connection between addiction and boredom,

India my Love – This man has changed my view on baggers in India
Guy selling Indian drums of all sizes and shapes comes closer to a western tourist and ask “Madam, want to buy these drums”?

What is Great Sex for Women?
We asked women to come together and discuss the ingredients of making a sex experience GREAT for women.